“Pipe of my ancestors let me know freedom of spirit and true peace”

The pipe is one of the elements of our ceremony and helps us to elevate the prayer in the dance. Since our ancestors, the pipe has been used as a medium between us, the physical world and the Great Spirit. The use of the pipe allows us to elevate our prayers and bring them to the great Creator of the universe. We consider the spirit of natural tobacco as a means to offer our prayers.

The pipe is considered borrowed until the dancer has completed her four-year commitment by participating in the Moon Dance.

Only after the four years does the pipe become the property of the dancer and she becomes a “pipe carrier”  The pipe is for her to own and care  with consciousness, she must protect it, respect it, dance it, pray it, and use it properly and with the best intentions, thus feeling the connection to the moon dance circle wherever the dancer is.

If for any reason a dancer is unable or unwilling to fulfill the 4 year dance commitment she must return it to the circle.

This element will become our companion and guardian, for this reason the pipe must always be in good condition and all its parts must be clean to be able to use it.

The moon dancer performs her work basically at night, so it should be noted that the pipe is only smoked at night or in special cases within the Temazcalli.

The dancers always carry natural tobacco, matches and a bag to carry the pipe, the tobacco in the pipe represents the prayer of the dancer and the bridge to other dimensions.

The pipe should be filled with tobacco before entering the circle in front of the sacred fire and copal and should not be refilled inside the ceremonial circle. The tobacco should be consumed until the end as each part of it carries the prayer that is being communicated to the great spirit.

To know the pipe it is recommended to be humble and respectful so that this magical sacred element reveals its knowledge to us.

From 2024

 “The Pipe” will be given only when the dancer returns for her second year of dance. We  had many experiences that lead us to make this decision, and our responsibility as a Council is to care  and protect the pipe. We thank you for your understanding.


We remind you that you made a commitment when you received the pipe, which is that it does not belong to you until you complete your 4 years of dance continuously.. If you decide not to return to the circle, remember that this element does NOT belong to you and out of respect for your own word you must return it to the circle.


To all the dancers who were given their pipa in their first year of dance and have not returned to the circle, we ask you to please return the pipa to our Council. For our circle it is very important that the pipes are honored and prayed,  as they are a very sacred element in our Moon Dance Tradition.  

We ask you to please assume this responsibility, and materialize this  return, sending us back the pipe, by post or personally contacting Antara Dakini/OcelotquiahuitlAddress for return:
Kirchenweg 13/1/4
3423 St Andrä Wördern
*Please pack it properly

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