
Every year of dance is unique and we see ourselves evolving and developing more strength in our lives and  a beautiful blossoming of our hearts.

If you are unable to attend for a year (illness, birth, etc.), this must be communicated in advance  with the Moon Dance  Council.

The 4th, 7th, and 9th years Commitment

The 4th year
Our first commitment is for four years. After  these four years  you receive a stick that symbolise the path of the four creative energies (earth, water, air and fire), with the wisdom of the four directions.

After this you can  decide whether to remain in the same circle  and continue further to the  seven years or you can decide to take a pause, or you can also decide to  join another Moondance circle under the rules and regulations of the new circle.

The 7th year
Another commitment to yourself is to continue dancing   another 3 years until you complete a cycle of the 7th years . Here you  begin a new cycle in your life, receiving new symbols  from the circle, representing the promise of walking as a mature woman,  and a leader  of yourself and your emotions. Here in case that you decide, you are honor and initiated as a carrier of the medicine of the  Temazcal (sweatlodge)

The 9th Year 
Once you decide to  continue your path in the moondance lineage,  you will arrive to a beautiful   sacred ceremony.  A consecration  ceremony of your 9 years commitment  to the circle and to yourself. You are ready to receive the blessings of the lineage and ready to be in service of the community, you consecrate this moment for you and all your relations. Taking the responsibility to walk in truth, with the  highest integrity and  with the strength of all the circle.

Element Carrier

The work of the elements is sacred and special in our ceremony, to be a carrier of one of them requires commitment and responsibility, which becomes a great teaching for life, and we invite all women who want to be part of one of the elements to write to us in advance.

From the second year of dance you can carry an element (air, fire, water or earth) , work with it, learn from it and serve the dance with it. If you feel called, please send an email with the subject “ELEMENT” to: